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School of the Natural Order Summer Seminar 2024

Travelers on the path

Travelers on the path of discovery of one’s True Self!


The dates of this year’s summer seminar are as follows:


September 3rd through the 8th, Tuesday – Sunday.


The seminar will be held on “Zoom” this year.  If you wish to attend, just click on the invite and follow the instructions.  Attendance is free, and as always, donations are welcome. 


Donations; or SNO, PO Box 150, Baker, NV.  89311


For the access link, please send an email to:


Please enter each class a few minutes before the scheduled time, and with your microphone turned off and your camera turned on.  Please be respectful of others by the raising of hands to be recognized for making comments and ask questions by the host.


Class Schedules


September 3rd through the 6th, Tuesday through Friday

7:00 am Mt.                   Morning Meditation, Pranayama

 7:30 pm Mt.                  “Daily Use of the SNO Teachings”

                                       (Audio & Video Recordings)

                                              by Dr. John Gozzi * 


Dr. John, as many refer to him, was a student of Vitvan’s in his time in Southern California, and later in Baker, NV.  (Home Farm) before moving to Colorado.  He taught classes, with many that are involved in the SNO today, until his passing.  


                                            Followed by discussion and Meditation.

Saturday, September 7th


         7:00 am Mt.                      Morning Meditation, Pranayama,

                               7:30 pm Mt.                      “Reality – What a Concept” by Dennis Reuter*


The Idea of reality as something different from day-to-day human experience, or in addition to it, has been with the race psyche for tens of thousands of years.  But only in the last century or so have we been able to describe it as multi-dimensional fields and their associated particles.


Vitvan expected that the vanguard of the new age would come from artists and scientists.  Movies with comic book heroes traveling the multiverse, and love as a dominant force (“Everything Everywhere All At Once”) reflect that in an artistic ways.


In science, advances in cosmology, physics, and mathematics depict a dynamic, entangled cosmos, similar to that described in SNO’s literature. Fields predominate with matter (particles) show evidence of field activity.  This tracks well with Vitvan’s 1950 comments in his work “Cosmology”.  (Einstein and Infeld) stated there would be no place in our new physics for both field and matter, field being the only reality.


Join in listening to a 30-minute video presentation by Sean Carroll from his lecture series The Higgs Boson and Beyond”.  Carroll is a well-renowned theoretical physicist and philosopher who specialized in quantum mechanics, cosmology, and the philosophy of science.  Correlations with gnostic teachings and those of the School of the Natural Order will be discussed.


(90 minutes total presentation, 30 minutes of video, with discussion)


Sunday, September 8th

                  9:30 am Mt.                 “Toolbox” Presentation by Kathy Wright   


This class is based on student participation, a sharing of what tools and techniques one finds meaningful that lead to a deepening into that stillness.  Also, inquiry into the effortless practice beyond the techniques and tools.

School of the Natural Order

PO Box 150

Baker NV 89311

Phone: 775-234-7304  


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