The Power to be Conscious
2018 Summer Seminar

Is this the year you will be attending the Summer Seminar at Home Farm? There are several folks eager to present new and exciting classes. There is so much to be gained from the study of Vitvan’s teachings, whether we study the basic teachings with new eyes or consider the newly emerging perspectives of the 21st century. Vitvan often said that he was “painting with a broad brush” and that it would be up to those who came later to provide even more insight and greater detail. What will the seminar week hold? Join us to see what is happening!
Come join us! We have even more seminar offerings since there are several folks eager to present new and exciting classes. There is so much to be gained from the study of Vitvan’s teachings.
Vitvan Readings – A highlight of seminars is gathering together to read selections of Vitvan’s teachings. We will pause to discuss and consider his perspective on science in our world and how it relates to our everyday experience. As above, so below.
– Would you like to be happier? More in control of your life? Semantics: A Place to Begin with Marj CoffmanCome explore using some of the tools of general semantics to help make that happen. It is easier than you may think and you will gain new perspectives on managing your life and getting along with other people.
What It Looks Like with Susan Wetmore – Learn more about semantics, listening to a storybook and talking about it.
Using General Semantics: The Science of Neurolinguistics with Charles Davis – The "self" we most commonly believe to be our "self" is based on the fact we have a body and our identification with this body as the one true "me." We will come to understand that I am not a word... of any kind!
Sensory Workshop with Michael Schneider – The objective state of identity is built from values assigned to pictures described by our senses. Michael will lead us through explorations of our senses to see them as the Power-to-be-conscious at work.
Science and the Natural Order with Lynne Hoffman – Most of us have been conditioned to believe that what scientists tell us is “the truth.” How reliable is that information? What does your own experience tell you?
T’ai Chi with Corry Dodson. T’ai-chi is a slow series of movement and breath work that strengthens the body, enhances balance, and assists in quieting the internal dialog, allowing one to be in a meditative state while practicing.
Rudolf Steiner and the Biodynamic Revolution with Dan Hathaway. Vitvan was familiar with Steiner's many works but was most impressed with his concept of Biodynamic Farming. Here was a system that brought the science that Vitvan loved together with the idea that any farm could be a sustainable organism into the realm of farming. These workshop sessions will demonstrate many Biodynamic tenets, very practical and useful exercises in land management.
Pranayama and Beyond with Lynne Hoffman – Clear toxins of the ‘physical’ and subtle bodies and discover a ‘new’ you. Spend a few minutes preparing for evening meditation with practices to enliven your experience.
The Myth of Demeter and Persephone with Michael Schneider – Homer’s classic Hymn to Demeter tells the tale of Demeter (the World Mother) whose daughter Kore (our Individualized Field) was abducted to the underworld (the objective state) and eventually rescued back to the world of Light. Michael illustrates this enthralling Greek tale interpreted through Vitvan’s teachings.
The Eleusinian Mysteries with Michael Schneider – The “Eleusinian Mysteries” were the greatest initiation rites of the ancient world, re-enacting the myth of Demeter and Kore. This 9-day event provided symbolic and functional activities for self-development. Michael illustrates what is known about these initiatory rites through a day-by-day description of their events.
Just $600 for a full week of Seminar!
One great price includes all class sessions.
A clean, comfortable room and nutritious meals are included at no additional cost.
You will have interesting companions and time to relax, explore,
and enjoy the beauty and quietness at the headquarters
of the School of the Natural Order.
Call, write (sno@sno.org) or make your reservations below.
Ask about a reduced rate for special circumstances.
Don’t miss a single session.
Arrive July 21st – Leave July 29th for the same terrific price.
If you can’t attend the full week, take advantage of a few days for $100/day.
No pets, please.
Full Payment $600.00 USD Deposit (Balance due on arrival) $300.00 USD