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What Works For Me

2019 Summer Seminar,

July 28-August 3rd

Join us for a week of sharing tips and tales about ‘Treading the Path.’ Although hundreds of methods and practices exist to advance spiritual growth, some tools work better for some than others, or for the same person at different times.


This year our speakers will share techniques that work for them or were especially helpful in taking the journey. Most presenters have studied and applied Vitvan’s teachings for decades. They will tell of useful tools they used to make progress on the path or to remain content with the long journey.

General Semantics as Self-Development – Dennis Reuter            

‘Treading the Path’ requires abilities such as keeping calm in chaos or during emotional unrest; detecting
and controlling energy currents; observing our reactions then consciously responding
, and communicating energetically while using words as tools. General semantics develops these skills while we react and respond to daily life and human interactions.

General semantics offers a simple way to build a stable center of self-awareness while living in a changing, vibrant world. Living a balanced, pleasing, rational life becomes normal. This holistic system also explains how to consciously abstract, keeping different observations on their proper levels.

In his booklet Clear Thinking, Vitvan said that for true growth and development on the Path, he could not overemphasize the need to understand and persist in the practices of differentiation. General semantics provides such a system of differentiation.

Calling on 35 years of using and sharing this work, Dennis provides a user-friendly view of the GS system. Classes will cover breathing exercises; focusing attention; silence on the objective levels; building and unbuilding the buttons that people push; new insights about holistic relationships; and various GS tools to change your nervous system so it will quickly adjust to reality.


Headlines of Interest – Michael Schneider

Many articles appear in both scientific and new age journals discussing consciousness, the brain, chakras and other aspects of our journey into expanding states. But most are written from the viewpoint of the objective state of consciousness and so woefully miss the mark. Michael will present some representative headlines which show a need for the unique teachings of this School and perhaps point a way forward, showing us what to
Headlines of Interest – Michael Schneider
emphasizein presenting to the public what is unique and valuable in Vitvan’s work.


Short and Sweet – Robert Cozi
This class will offer a 5-10 minute time slot for people to share a direct experience/referent they have had in applying the teaching of the SNO to themselves and specifically how that has helped their purificatory process.


Video: Vitvan on Meditation – Michael Schneider
Sections of audio tapes of Vitvan speaking about this School’s approach to meditation (from Self-Mastery Through Meditation, and Steps in Self-Unfoldment (Lesson 4)) were combined with relevant images to make a fifteen-minute video with hopes of capturing the interest of people interested in the topic. Michael will present the video as a spark for discussion about it and about producing a series of short videos on topics that the group thinks are most important for conveying Vitvan’s ideas and attracting new students.


Pranayama & Kriya – Lynne Hoffman

Enliven your chakras and feel the energy move and flow within minutes of these seemingly simple practices. A good lead-in to meditation.


The Annotated Vitvan – Dan Hathaway
I like the idea of a roadmap to the roadmap. Identify the obvious cultural and scientific, historic and archaeological changes that have happened since Vitvan's times. See the humor in this too: words taken out of yesterday's cultural context can be really funny.
Handled with relevance and reverence, an annotation will let more of Vitvan come through as he encourages one, on a multiplicity of paths, the pursuit of consciousness. The message is timeless, only I think
is better... I am not looking for a messiah. I'm just looking for some company as I go down this road, brothers his and sisters, as I go down this road.


Tai Chi and Qigong – Corry Dodson
Corry will offer the Tia Chi class again this year and possibly with some Qigong added to the class.


Meditation Practices – Steve Anderegg
Meditation practices using descriptions from Practices in Individual Development and Self-Mastery through Meditation.


Natural Order Process in My World – Lynne Hoffman
Western science is just now beginning to see and understand what the ancient Rishis knew and recognized thousands of years ago. Vitvan was also aware of this great knowledge and he gave us many clues. As theMoody Blues have said, “It’s all around if we could but perceive.”


Reading Vitvan – Lynne Hoffman
Selections of Vitvan’s work will be made available for us to read and discuss as a group. This sessions have been quite lively in years past and remain a favorite.


Thai Chi Cheh – B Free
B Free will do Thai Chi Cheh classes.


Stop Trying and Just Be – Optional Music Therapy by Appointment – Charles Davis

I’m planning on using gentle music and my synthesizer to do a little Music Therapy (one-on-one) to help each individual relax... and stop trying... for a few moments... and just be... with a cup of tea, little or no talking, and... just relaxing into the beauty of the present moment. Each session will be an opportunity for the individual to

enter quietly into his or her own highest states. Recline, relax and stop trying... is the key I'll be working with this summer.

These sessions will be one-on-one and will vary in length/duration. No group work. An island of rest and peace by appointment (signup sheet). I will be available throughout most of the day, so we can set flexible appointment times. Free afternoons might work; other times possible. I think I will be creating a little handout card with a few quotes about the nature of Heaven and using quotes by Vitvan, Ramakrishna, and a few others.

Just $600 for a full week of Seminar!

One great price includes all class sessions, a clean, comfortable room, and nutritious meals. You will have time to relax, explore, and enjoy the beauty and quietness of the high desert. Call, write ( or go online to make your reservations now.
Don’t miss a single session. Arrive July 27th – Leave August 4th for the same terrific price.
If you can’t attend the full week, take advantage of a few days for $100/day.      
 No pets, please.

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