The Power to be Conscious

"An American Master"
"The I AM, which is my True Self, is the Power with which I am conscious of my world."
We live in a vast energy world we call the universe or cosmos. Each of us is a dynamic energy system within that world. Yet most of us see and experience this universe or cosmos as a world of solid objects. We go about our daily existence unaware of the energy process of which we are all integrated. There is a Power with which we are conscious, which motivates all activity. In each of us that Power-to-be-conscious is striving to become aware of its true nature. Vitvan, an American-born Master (1883-1964), presented a methodology for contacting and experiencing this energy world. He provided instructions for learning to cooperate consciously with the process of expanding self-awareness.
"With all thy getting, get understanding." Proverbs 4:7
The list of Vitvan's works represents more than forty years of writing and teaching. Vitvan experimented with many approaches over the years trying to correlate his vision of the ancient wisdom teachings with modern science and general semantics, at the same time trying to differentiate his work from metaphysics, occultism, and mysticism. He felt that such teachings, with their vague spiritual language, often caused confusion in the minds of students. In his effort to formulate a non-metaphysical system of thought, he employed the language of modern physics and general semantics, finding these languages actually helped his students clarify their own thinking and foster a better understanding of the wisdom teachings.
To get acquainted with Vitvan's approach to the wisdom teachings is no small task. A great deal of time and effort is demanded of the serious student, remembering that that which is most valuable is worthy of the extra effort. Vitvan recommended new students devote two years to studying his language and methodology before making a final determination as to its value for them. He anticipated that after two years students would possess the tools to understand the implications of the wisdom teachings. He foresaw that another twenty years of diligent study, practice, and meditation would be required before the student could begin to live the teachings in a responsive, intelligent way.

New students often feel confused as to where to begin. It is suggested to follow the intuition and plunge in wherever you feel a strong pull. Some students may prefer more direction and the many works of literature gifted to us by Vitvan can facilitate a start-point. If you have a background in Physical Science, the Dawn of the New Day might be an appropriate beginning. For the student with an interest in Meditation, Self-Mastery Through Meditation is a book which will describe the basic methods of meditation used in this school. If you have a background in Philosophy, the three-volume set The Natural Order Process might be best. For those who have recently left a more orthodox Christian environment, A Treatise On Faith will bring fresh insights to the old problem of, " Where do we put our faith?"
In this reprint of a lecture, The New Cycle Gnosis, Vitvan explains why his approach to the wisdom teachings is not mystical, metaphysical, or occult in its orientation and approach. For those interested in how Vitvan correlates his teaching with the discipline of general semantics as developed by Alfred Korzybski, Clear Thinking, Perceptive Insight and The Veil of Maya read together, will present an excellent foundation. For those with an interest in the healing arts, Healing Technic presents a subtle approach to the vibrational aspects of healing. It is not a how-to book, but rather a broad discussion of attitudes and inner orientation. The book, The Christos, was developed out of a series of lectures which touched upon almost all of the themes mentioned so far.
In his book, Vitvan: An American Master, Richard Satriano, presents the story of Vitvan's life as a framework for the emerging perspectives of thought in all their richness and scope. This book is an excellent introduction to Vitvan's life and work. While not really a biography, it offers a glimpse of the man and what he attempted to achieve. Vitvan avoided the cult of personality, indeed he said: "My life is my work, know my work and you know me". The emphasis of Vitvan; An American Master, is on the interface between Gnosticism, philosophy and science, an understanding which is of exceptional significance for it explains the nexus of Vitvan's work to re-express the ancient wisdom teachings in a form useful for modern man.
From a review by a student:
"Vitvan was an American gnostic teacher who has not achieved the recognition which so many who claim to be spiritual masters have done. The likely reason for this is that not only are Vitvan's works privately published, but they are intellectually and spiritually challenging. There is no room for emotionalism and new-age pseudo-esotericism. Vitvan outlines a tradition-based system of esoteric thought coupled with the clarity of modern science and semantics. He felt that the work of Alfred Korzybski (especially Science and Sanity) was of great significance in clarifying how we use language, its distortions and how it can be correctly applied to clearly express the truth we wish to communicate. Vitvan clarified the understanding of general semantics in such works as Clear Thinking to show that the beginning of wisdom is found in understanding how we think. Vitvan's work is voluminous, ranging from studies on thinking and semantics to works on meditation, spirituality, and esoteric tradition. Vitvan demands a disciplined approach to the spiritual life, and while this is not popular, it is a sure sign of his integrity, and depth of vision."

Vitvan founded the School of the Natural Order in 1946. More than anything else, he desired to share his understanding of this energy world as a natural order process and the deep sense of inner peace and security which accompanies spiritual growth and understanding. The primary mission of the school is to hold the field for students and teachers and to continue to distribute the publications and lessons as given by Vitvan. Editing and reformatting work continues, with more new publications available each year.
Logo of The School of the Natural Order
The serpent and eagle are ancient symbols. The serpent is representative of wisdom; its coiled form is suggestive of the latent power in the sacral center, known as the Kundalini in Sanskrit and the Christos in Greek. The eagle represents 'spiritual vision' and is supposedly the only creature that can look directly into the sun. The eagle with a serpent coiled around its neck has been the School's logo since its inception as the School of the Sacred Science in the 1920's; the eagle ('spiritual' vision) carrying the serpent (Christos power) to "great heights", the ascent of the force to the crown center.

School of the Natural Order 2023 Mission Statement
“Fortifying the School’s Foundation” describes SNO’s purpose for the near future. In preparing for new students, the School is forming specific curricula to help convey the wisdom teachings; is revitalizing the campus in Nevada as a viable and inviting place for study; is publishing more of Vitvan’s manuscripts in book format; is updating the School’s non-profit corporate structure; and is expanding ways that ensure SNO’s economic future.
The School of the Natural Order admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.